Is your restaurant performing at its best and working for you? Or are you simply just bringing in Profits that are slowly dwindling?
KPI’s are a fantastic way of seeing how your business is performing. However, they are only one piece of the puzzle. You need to set goals for your restaurant, both short-term and long-term if you want to see growth and improvement.
Goals are what drive your future KPI’s results.
Setting goals is the first step to improve / grow your restaurant. Once you have set clear goals, measuring your KPI’s against those goals for a given time frame gives you a picture of how successful you are and where to improve.
Start with your vision then set smaller goals to achieve that vision. Long-term goals give you a clear vision for your business. A long-term goal so something you want to achieve in the future (usually at least several years away) and requires time and planning.
It often takes several smaller steps to accomplish a long-term goal. These smaller steps can be your short-term goals. Short-term goals are any goals that can be achieved in a short period. Example an hour, a day, a week, a month, or a year.
How to set goals.
When setting your goals they should be S.M.A.R.T
Specific: Make your goals specific. Example – Increase Net Sales.
Measurable: Define what evidence will prove you are making progress. Following the above example. How much do you want your sales to increase by? 5%? 30%?
Attainable: The goal can be accomplished within a certain time frame.
Relevant: Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives.
Time-Based: Set realistic, end-dates.
Examples of goals.
Increase Sales by 5% Month to Month
Increase Average Net Sales per Day by 10%
Improve labour cost percentage by 5%
Tracking and reevaluating goals.
Once you have your goals in place, you need to keep track of them by using your KPI’s Gauge your success. Compare your actual results with your goals and adjust your goals accordingly.