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COVID-19 & GAAP Operations

COVID-19 & GAAP Operations

COVID-19 & GAAP Operations -At the centre of everything we do at GAAP are our staff and customers.

There have been numerous communications from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Department of Health (DOH) and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) and we are monitoring the communication from these organizations in relation to COVID-19.

GAAP continues with normal support operations at this time, but with strict attention to the situation we face.

We encourage staff and customers to follow the national guidelines which include limiting any unnecessary face to face meetings and interactions where possible.
To this end, sales and training interaction is encouraged through technology as much as possible.
Our on-site technical staff are being equipped with sanitizer and wipes and we distribute these to our national technical teams as stock becomes available.
Technicians will sanitize hands and equipment before and after all site visits.
Our offices have instituted sanitation protocols when handling all arriving stock and sanitation stations are placed strategically throughout the offices to prevent infections.

Our 24-hour call centre is operating at normal capacity.
But we prepare for any eventuality and are busy equipping our staff to work remotely without compromising our support standards should that become necessary.

We are continuously educating our staff on the risks associated with COVID-19 and are working with our staff to ensure the below measures are followed to reduce the risk of infection:

  • Wash your hands, up to your elbows, with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid physical contact with other people regardless of whether or not they appear to be ill.
  • Use hand sanitiser frequently and after any physical interaction with people or surfaces.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth – if you do, wash your hands.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue or your flexed elbows and immediately wash your hands.
  • Clean & disinfect items you use frequently as well as the surfaces around you.

Any staff displaying symptoms of flu or colds are being sent home immediately.

This pandemic may have a significant effect on all economies around the World, but we remain confident that normal business will resume once this threat has dissipated.

We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that we will continue to provide assistance and support to our customers over the coming weeks. You can log a case via email by sending an email to with your account number in the subject line as well as a brief description of the issue you are facing in the body of the email and your contact details in case we need to call you. If you prefer to call us, you can reach us on 0861 745 260.